my sports car怎么读音


6月9日当天,保时捷会邀请跑车爱好者在世界各地的保时捷公司参加“Sports Car Together Day 尽享跑车日”,中国场的活动于6月8日至10日在上海保时捷体验中心举行。中国市场上,保时捷博物馆举办的包括保时捷356“No.1”的全球...


Encho Enchev 设计师 保加利亚 Grimaud Gervex 创意设计师 Polestar Concept sports car desi…

除了 car 你还知道其他车种的英文单词吗?

sports car 跑车 convertible 四人座敞篷车 roadster 双人座敞篷车 luxury car 高级车 limousines 长礼车 船类 boat 小船 ship 大船 boat 与 ship 可以用最简单尺寸的大小做区分,通常 ship 的尺寸都大幅地大于 boat。yacht ...


但它们最多算是“城市越野”车)跑车sports car 大型豪华轿车limousine/limo 皮卡pick-up

双语美文|The key of a car_

A young man was getting ready to graduate from college.For many months he had admired a beautiful sports car in a dealer's showroom,and knowing his father could well afford it,he told him that was all he wanted...

双语美文8 the key ofa car-

A young man was getting ready to graduate from college.For many months he had admired a beautiful sports car in a dealer's showroom,and knowing his father could well afford it,he told him that was all he wanted...

Car and Driver 2022年最佳电车,奔驰EQS、大众ID.4上榜

对于许多老一代司机朋友们来说,Car and Driver(人车志,后文用 C/D 代指)应该不算一个太陌生的名字,港版的 人车志 因为种种原因早在2010年初就停刊了,不过国内的版本大家可能会比较熟悉—《名车志CAR AND DRIVER》。C/D ...

路特斯最全能公路跑车Emira中国发布;蔚来发布NIOPower2025换电站布局计划;福特推出全新混动赛车|CAR NEWS...

而被官方定义为“The Other Sports Car”的 路特斯Emira,则是一款全新的中置引擎高端跑车,延续Evija设计语言,浓缩了路特斯对于空气动力学的执着追求。作为Vision80战略转型期间开发的最后一款燃油跑车,Emira堪称路特斯有史...

My Favorite Movie英语作文

My Favorite Movie英语作文(通用27篇) ...I am fond of the comic plot from the movie.Just from the seeing doctor at the beginning and the ending,it would bring some fun.And I also like they are chatting at the car ...

my heart stood still

My heart stood still when the other car ran through the red light and I knew we were about to crash. 这个人说:"当我看到那辆汽车穿红灯的时候,我知道我们要撞车了。我的心都好像停止跳动了。这种心情不仅会出现在...